Grow Wild! Native Plant Nursery specializes in growing native trees and shrubs as well as native plants, wildflowers and herbs for contract growing and various sized plant restoration projects as well as public and private native plant gardens.

Following the North American Native Plant Society’s Ethical Guidelines, we acknowledge the importance of genetic provenance.
Our plants are grown from seeds collected from local indigenous plants to ensure high survival rates. When our native plants are planted in suitable habitats they thrive because they are genetically adapted to the various climatic and soil conditions in our area.
We only take a small percentage of seed from wild native plants, collecting seed from many plants within a population to ensure high genetic diversity. This makes for healthier, stronger and more beautiful native plants.
Why Native Species?
Through habitat loss and the introduction of non-native plant species, we are losing biodiversity. Gardening with native plants is crucial to restoring the natural ecosystem and is almost as important as preserving existing ecosystems.
Native plants improve the overall health of pollinating insect populations, including supporting many species of bees and butterflies.
As well as working at our nursery, we actively participate in restoration and environmental advocacy.
Contract Growing
We grow native trees, shrubs and plants for ecological restoration and for public and private gardens.
Please view our Catalogs to see what species we are currently providing. If you don’t see something you need, contact Paul to see if he can provide the plants, trees or shrubs you are looking for. Visit our Catalog page
Contact Paul Heydon to discuss your native plant needs.
Call 416-735-7490
Email: Connect page

Grow Wild! is dedicated to increasing the public’s awareness of the importance of preserving and restoring our native trees, shrubs and plants and natural ecosystems. We are strong advocates of natural biodiversity and environmental protection.